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Save the day! Rhodes for Life 2018 on the 4th of November!

Rhodes for Live 4th of November 2018

For one more year the non profit volunteers organization of "Rhodes for Life", expecting you on Sunday 4th of November, between 9.30 and 14.30, on the annual meeting against Cancer.

Since 2010 this annual successful venue invites all of the Rhodes residents, visitors, students of all ages, to leave back their sofas, beds, cafeterias, houses and join Rhodes for Life in this get together, walk and run festival against Cancer disease!

The only income of this venue consists the characteristic / anniversary T-Shirt being sold for only 5 euro. The amount of money collected will be given in full, to the General Public Hospital of Rhodes like every year.

Its very important to highlight, that this is of great help to the management of the hospital, so that they can make improvements on the medical equipment but also research for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Please note that every year this beautiful designed T-Shirt has a different color, whereas commercial sponsorships are not allowed on it.

People wishing to donate, can find / buy the T-Shirt in the below places:

- Central Kiosk (next to Aktaion Cafe / Restaurant), weekdays 11.00-13.30 and 18.00 -20.00 and Saturdays between 10.30 - 14.00

- Technical Lyceum of Kremasti, weekdays during mornings (school operation hours) and Saturdays between 11.00 - 13.00 in the central square of Kremasti.

- In the mountain village of Embonas (relevant Kiosk in the central square), daily 16.00 - 19.00, where the volunteers of Rhodes for Life will gladly, show you around and assist you.

That said, save the day, save your life, save a life! Stand up, walk, laugh, live. Sunday 4th of November 2018 lets meet up down in Mantraki Area (in front of the town hall).

Be there!



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